Upload an image file and associated it with a specific stereotype. Here’s an example: Go to Tools Project Set Icon for Stereotype. In this tutorial, I'd like to introduce my approach to generate initial JPA Entity Classes from UML model to develop them. Trick is using a Stereotype Icon Astah Professional edition offers Stereotype Icon feature which enables you to change the presentation of Classes or Actions into any icon you upload. Download astah UML pad and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad. In this way, you can also add annotations to Entity classes and customize DDL which JPA generates for mapping physical DB scheme in detailed level. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about astah UML pad. Using JPA entity models whose expressions are closer to UML, makes it easier to maintain the implementations of domains close as the original Entity models. On the other hand, UML is often used in the Domain-driven design practice for designing domain models. However I find that those reversed classes are less flexible as they are tied with restrictions of its related models such as the expressions in many-to-many relationships.etc. Traditionally the data-oriented approach involves with ER models, so when you use JPA, you would probably use tools like Dali Java Persistence Tools of Eclipse WTP's or Hibernate Tools of JBoss Tools to generate Entity classes by reversing the physical DB scheme. JPA is a Java EE standard O/R(Object-relational) mapping framework for mapping the POJO(Plain old Java object) and relational database and has been considered as a technology that works well with Domain-driven design.